Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Carlsberg Sport Commercial

First of all, let me say that I absolutely abhor drinking alcoholic beverages. I do not have a difficult time tolerating other people's drinking habits but when it comes to me, there's no way I'd ever drink. Alcohol companies do have ludicrous amounts of money. Where do they put all this money? The develop impressive commercials and other various forms of promotion. Here in Denmark, one of the most popular brands of beer is Carlsberg. They used to only make alcoholic drinks but they now have a sport-soda drink. I've been in the theater (last movie: the new Indiana Jones, great movie) a few times since I've been here and the commercials for this new drink never cease to crack me up. I just had to post them. Take a look, quite entertaining. (since the new beverage is being marketed towards sporty people, these commercials have a nice football (soccer) spin to them)

viral commercial

squirrel and duck

slow-mo bicycle kick


Classy People Doing Classy Things said...

dude--not going to lie, that indiana jones movie was lame....

Leo said...

I'd advise being more constructive and/or specific with your criticism, David.

Classy People Doing Classy Things said...

alright dude---the end was lame with the aliens and stuff. Ironman was way better

Leo said...

I can see why you think that :) that's reasonable. Oh and bro, I have MTSS and it hurts like...you know what...